It’s probably one of the most infamous crappy games ever made. One that isn’t the worst game ever in and of itself (although it is, as I said, crap), but became famously bad after an aggresive marketing campaign which made John Romero out to be some kind of sex daddy.
John Romero’s about to make you his bitch.
Well, unlike a sex daddy, the game is neither fun nor especially playable. I’ve got both the PC and N64 version (I captured most of my footage on the GOG version though, but there are no differences between that and the disc version) and neither of them are anything more than a bit…well, crap.
Here’s my video getting all up in that.
Did you get drawn in by the hype at the time this badlad was released? I totally would have done if I was a Doom fan. And I would have been so, so dissapointed. For me, the main problems were the sound effects and the storyline. The voice acting takes a second place though. It’s more wooden than William Shatner.
Still, it is worth a play as an important part of gaming history.